You are the one who must manually enter the smart car radio code into your own locked car radio in order for that device to start working properly again. Entering is not at all problematic or complex, but if there is no one to show you how to enter a radio code of that type, you can lose much more time than planned or make too many wrong attempts to enter the radio code, which can seriously breach the security system of the locked device and question its future use. That’s why we recommend that you first learn how to enter a radio code and only then try to enter your smart car radio code into your device yourself.

The procedure for entering a radio code of your kind is given in the video below! Follow the change in the order of pressing the buttons on the front of the radio in order to enter the smart car radio code correctly and the radio will become functional again.
How To Find A Lost Smart Car Radio Code
The procedure for unlocking a smart car radio device is very easy if you have your radio code. But what if you have no information about the content and arrangement of the four digits of your smart car radio code? What then? Don’t worry because if you know the serial number of the locked device (even if you don’t you can always remove the radio and read this information directly from the radio) you can find your lost radio code very easily and for free. All you have to do is follow the guide to enter the smart car radio code step by step below!
- Download the smart car radio code calculator.
- Install it.
- Open the software.
- Enter the VIN combination.
- Enter the serial number of the radio device.
- Select a car model.
- Select a locked radio model.
- Finally, press the button to generate the smart car radio code.

After completing the steps of the guide above, your radio code will be available to you in a very short time. Then write down your code in a safe place and use the guide at the top of the page to easily unlock your locked radio.